Sunday, May 13, 2007

Moving Through Fear

How do you move through fear?

“I have been through some terrible things in my life, some of which have actually happened.” – Mark Twain

I love this quote! In a very humorous way, it points out the amount of wasted effort
and time we can spend worrying and being fearful of events which never even happen.

It’s all about FEAR and the power it can exert over us – causing us to not do the things we want or need to do to be successful in any area of life. We believe our imagined failure will come true, and so we don’t even attempt to do what we’re afraid of failing at in the first place!

That is what makes a failure: a person who is afraid to try because he fears the potential of a negative outcome. So where does that leave you?

There are a few mental techniques I will use to overcome fears that do nothing but stop my progress with my goals.

One method is to say “So What” to the perceived fear. For instance “What if I approach him about my business and he says he is not interested and acts annoyed that I approached him.” SO WHAT!

What is the WORST thing that can happen if you take the action and it does not work
out as you planned?

Often, the worst thing is not that big of a deal. Sometimes the “worst” thing can end up being the best thing. I read an article of a man who was fired from his high paying job. He felt devastated and scared. However, that firing gave him a lot more time to put into a home business he was starting. Now he is very successful at the home business and much happier than he was at the job that he did not like anyway.

Another reason we feel fearful is because we don’t feel we can handle it. Think of something in your life that you feel fearful about – a presentation you have to give,
confronting a friend or relative on a sensitive subject etc. At the base of the fear, isn’t there a feeling of “I can’t handle it.”? Whenever you feel fearful about something, keep repeating to yourself “I Can Handle It” – because
you can!

A great book that addresses this issue is a book written 20 years ago that you have probably already heard of – “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway” by Dr. Susan Jeffers.
If you have not read this book, I recommend it. And if you read it many years ago,
read it again!

When you don’t let fear stop you and you do the thing that is uncomfortable – it is
A boost to your confidence and esteem – even if the outcome was not what you were
looking for. Keep doing what you need to do. Your fear will lessen and your self esteem And confidence will rise.

How much can you accomplish in your life if you don’t let fear get in the way? Keep
moving through your fear and become unstoppable!

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