Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I returned from Sydney, Australia a couple of weeks ago. Sydney is a beautiful city. I saw as much as I could in the relatively short amount of time I was there. My main purpose was
to attend the Summit conference for Liberty League International. We stayed in a fabulous
hotel - the Intercontinental Hotel.

The hotel was right across the street from the Botanical Gardens where I took a walk every morning. (I never did adjust to the time change completely. I got up around 4am and fell asleep around 7pm each evening). The Gardens area has gardens (of course) , various birds that we don't see in the US AND thousands of bats!! I have never seen such a thing. Thousands of bats
hanging from trees and making lots of noise.

I also very much enjoyed a tript to Taronga zoo where I took a "Behind the Scenes" tour with one of the keepers. I spent 5 hours there and took lots of pictures. If you look at my web site, there is a picture of me in front of the Sydney Opera House and also at the Taronga Zoo next to a Koala. I really wanted to touch him (her?) but it now against the law in most states of Australia to touch a Koala unless you are a zoo keeper or have some sort of special authorization. I did pet a Wallaby and Kangaroo though.

It is fantastic to be part of a company that has such a strong, supportive, family oriented community. The conversations and level of thinking is a cut above most (or maybe all) other companies. It's not just me who thinks this - many others who get involved express the same sentiment. If you love to travel and want to live an exceptional life - this is a great place to be.

Being back in Chicago is always good too - I love this city!

Kathy Talkin

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Trip to Sydney

I am getting ready to take a trip to Sydney, Australia on Saturday (a mere 20 hour flight!) for a five day event with Liberty League International. I will be traveling there alone and a part of me gets the feeling of "I can't believe I will soon be on my way to Australia." This will be my first trip to Australia.

I am very much looking forward to hearing Bob Proctor, as well as other inspirational and informative speakers. We will also be doing a fire walk (which I have done two others times in my life, but that doesn't make the actual walk easy!)

I love speaking with people who are not satisfied with mediocrity and the norm in life. LLI has a strong community of like minded people. It is important to surround yourself with uplifting people if you want to rise above the norm. It is so easy to get caught up in the "herd" mentality.

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to reform (or pause and reflect)." - Notebook, 1904 (Mark Twain)

This will be a fantastic event, as well as giving me the opportunity to have a photo opp with koalas, kangaroos and other Australian animals. I love animals and am really looking forward to the animal interaction.

I'll let you know how my trip to Sydney turned out a couple of weeks from now.

Kathy Talkin
"The Past Does Not Equal the Future"

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Do you Want something or Desire something?

I speak with a lot of people who say that they want to have a work at home business. There are lots of things that we "want". Even though "want" and "desire" are essentially the same - the word desire has more passion to it. Want sounds like you can take it or leave it. "I want to make more money". "I want to lose weight" etc.

Usually what this means is "I wish I could snap my finges and have a truck full of money land on my front yard" or "I want to lose weight - I'll start tomorrow after I eat this pie". (I would NEVER actually say this myself). :-)

Lots of wants and no action to back it up. Without action, your wants are going to just be fantasies. You will wake up to the same wishes and wants every morning with no progress in any of them - this leads to a life of frustration.

If you truly DESIRE something, you have to light a fire under yourself and go for it! Desire can fade at times - we sometimes have to throw wood on it to keep the belief and desire strong.

I intensify myself with reading inspirational material, as well as with visualization. I feel myself at my goal, rather than just thinking about it. Emotion and feeling carry much more power.

Try it yourself - rationally think about how nice it would be to have the freedom to do whatever you want with your life whenever you feel like doing it. Then sit down, shut your eyes and really feel how great it would be. Let your feelings and emotions take over. No job, no commutes and no financial worries. How would that feel?

You can have that if you truly desire it!

Turn the powerless "wants" into definite desires, backed with action, and watch your life soar!

Kathy Talkin
"The Past Does Not Equal the Future"

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Strength of Community

Have you considered the strength of community when you are intent on reaching a goal? Do you think you can do it alone?

Maybe I should define what I mean by community. I am refering to a support group of like minded people who are on the same path as you.

There seems to be an idea in our culture that going it alone is somehow more admirable than asking for help. Why? It is easier and more productive for you
to receive help and support from the members in your community.

Going it alone oftens results in going nowhere because we give up after a certain period of time if we don't have support and encouragement from the community of people around us.

Whether you are pursuing weight loss, starting a business, or aspiring to make a big difference in a charitable organization - having a supportive community around you can be a huge assistance in you reaching your goals.

There have been times in my life where I think I can achieve goals on my own, but I have found that asking for help turns out to be more fun and is way more productive than going it on my own.

I am involved in a home based business that I sincerely believe has the strongest support, encouragement and education in your self development that you will find anywhere. If you are looking to make a positve change in your life with an incredible group of people, contact me.

No matter what your focus is, the strength of community will help you stay on your path.

Kathy Talkin

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Moving Through Fear

How do you move through fear?

“I have been through some terrible things in my life, some of which have actually happened.” – Mark Twain

I love this quote! In a very humorous way, it points out the amount of wasted effort
and time we can spend worrying and being fearful of events which never even happen.

It’s all about FEAR and the power it can exert over us – causing us to not do the things we want or need to do to be successful in any area of life. We believe our imagined failure will come true, and so we don’t even attempt to do what we’re afraid of failing at in the first place!

That is what makes a failure: a person who is afraid to try because he fears the potential of a negative outcome. So where does that leave you?

There are a few mental techniques I will use to overcome fears that do nothing but stop my progress with my goals.

One method is to say “So What” to the perceived fear. For instance “What if I approach him about my business and he says he is not interested and acts annoyed that I approached him.” SO WHAT!

What is the WORST thing that can happen if you take the action and it does not work
out as you planned?

Often, the worst thing is not that big of a deal. Sometimes the “worst” thing can end up being the best thing. I read an article of a man who was fired from his high paying job. He felt devastated and scared. However, that firing gave him a lot more time to put into a home business he was starting. Now he is very successful at the home business and much happier than he was at the job that he did not like anyway.

Another reason we feel fearful is because we don’t feel we can handle it. Think of something in your life that you feel fearful about – a presentation you have to give,
confronting a friend or relative on a sensitive subject etc. At the base of the fear, isn’t there a feeling of “I can’t handle it.”? Whenever you feel fearful about something, keep repeating to yourself “I Can Handle It” – because
you can!

A great book that addresses this issue is a book written 20 years ago that you have probably already heard of – “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway” by Dr. Susan Jeffers.
If you have not read this book, I recommend it. And if you read it many years ago,
read it again!

When you don’t let fear stop you and you do the thing that is uncomfortable – it is
A boost to your confidence and esteem – even if the outcome was not what you were
looking for. Keep doing what you need to do. Your fear will lessen and your self esteem And confidence will rise.

How much can you accomplish in your life if you don’t let fear get in the way? Keep
moving through your fear and become unstoppable!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The Pain of Discipline or the Pain of Regret

“We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or disappointment.” Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn has many thought provoking quotes. This is one of my favorite ones – not that I ever have a problem with discipline! (LOL). If you have never read any material of his, I suggest you do.

Isn’t that quote the truth? It is so easy to not stay consistent with my plan to exercise, eat
low calorie (stay away from that ice cream!), work my business etc., etc., etc. Yes, that instant gratification can feel good, or at least comfortable in the moment. Not so good the next day or even in the next minute.

Instant gratification is a powerful thing. If it weren’t, many of us would be thin, fit, and living happier, more fulfilling lives.

I notice a big difference in the way I feel about myself when I do what I intend to do. My confidence is higher and I am more apt to keep on doing that discipline. Once I slip though, it can be a slippery slope.

Focus, visualization and an intense desire to reach a goal contribute strongly to not sliding into the Pain of Regret. Everyone slips or wanes on their focus (or at least everyone I personally know – if you know of anyone perfect, let me know), but it is getting up and getting back with the program that will separate the winners and losers.

At times of choice, I will remind myself of that quote – I will ask myself “What do you want – the pain of discipline or the pain of regret – Is this action going to take you closer or further from your goal?” It doesn’t ALWAYS work – the mind is really good at rationalizing.

However, it does keep my awareness higher in regard to what I am doing
and the fact that I am responsible for it.

Which do you think is the bigger pain – the pain of discipline or the pain of regret?

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Miracles Start to Happen

"Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears".

Do you spend more time thinking about what you don't want and your fears rather than what you do want in your life? For most people (probably almost all people) that is the case unless there is a consistent and conscious effort in monitoring your way of thinking.

It is much more productive and empowering to focus on what we want to accomplish, who we want to be, positive changes we can make in the world around us. However, it takes a conscious effort to stay focused on the positive and not get caught up in the "drama" of everyday living. The key is to stay Aware of our thoughts.

Thoughts lead to feelings. Feelings lead to actions. Actions lead to results.

So, where do your thoughts come from? Why do you think differently than the person standing next to you in the check out line?

Your thinking comes from the folders of information in your brain. Your past conditioning determines every thought that is coming up in your mind. That is why we hear the term "conditioned mind".

Your programming leads to thoughts, which lead to feelings which lead to actions.

If you are not getting the results you want in life, you need to change the programming. topic will be explored further in my next blog.

Miracles start to happen when we change our programming and live from true choice in the present moment rather than being run by programming from the past.

Kathy Talkin
"The Past Does Not Equal the Future"

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Is Desiring Massive Wealth Selfish?

Is Desiring Massive Wealth Selfish?

When it comes to monetary wealth, most (if not all) people would love to have the freedom that money can bring, yet I often hear those same people put down people who live an abundant lifestyle. Jealousy? Maybe, but I think it goes deeper than that. Is desiring massive wealth really selfish?

How many times have you heard someone say something to the effect of
“I don’t need tons of money – just enough to live comfortably and get by”.
It is usually stated as if it is a positive thing – this person does not want to
take anything away from another person who may need the money more than they do.

Have you ever thought about that way of thinking as being SELFISH? Why do I say that?
Because that person is only thinking of HIM or HERSELF!

How much can you do for others if you only have enough for you to live
comfortably? If you make a million dollars a year, does that take away from another
person’s lifestyle? No, it doesn’t. They will live in the same way whether you have lots of money or not.

We have an abundant universe – there is plenty for all. Of course, many people do
not live abundantly for way too many reasons to write about in this post.

However, if YOU create massive wealth in your life, you can certainly improve the lot of many people. How joyful would it be to make a huge impact on the lives of your loved ones and other people/causes you care about?

Is desiring massive wealth selfish? Think of the positive impact you can make in the world with a boatload of cash and then answer that question.

Kathy Talkin
"The Past Does Not Equal the Future."