Thursday, June 21, 2007

Trip to Sydney

I am getting ready to take a trip to Sydney, Australia on Saturday (a mere 20 hour flight!) for a five day event with Liberty League International. I will be traveling there alone and a part of me gets the feeling of "I can't believe I will soon be on my way to Australia." This will be my first trip to Australia.

I am very much looking forward to hearing Bob Proctor, as well as other inspirational and informative speakers. We will also be doing a fire walk (which I have done two others times in my life, but that doesn't make the actual walk easy!)

I love speaking with people who are not satisfied with mediocrity and the norm in life. LLI has a strong community of like minded people. It is important to surround yourself with uplifting people if you want to rise above the norm. It is so easy to get caught up in the "herd" mentality.

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to reform (or pause and reflect)." - Notebook, 1904 (Mark Twain)

This will be a fantastic event, as well as giving me the opportunity to have a photo opp with koalas, kangaroos and other Australian animals. I love animals and am really looking forward to the animal interaction.

I'll let you know how my trip to Sydney turned out a couple of weeks from now.

Kathy Talkin
"The Past Does Not Equal the Future"

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Do you Want something or Desire something?

I speak with a lot of people who say that they want to have a work at home business. There are lots of things that we "want". Even though "want" and "desire" are essentially the same - the word desire has more passion to it. Want sounds like you can take it or leave it. "I want to make more money". "I want to lose weight" etc.

Usually what this means is "I wish I could snap my finges and have a truck full of money land on my front yard" or "I want to lose weight - I'll start tomorrow after I eat this pie". (I would NEVER actually say this myself). :-)

Lots of wants and no action to back it up. Without action, your wants are going to just be fantasies. You will wake up to the same wishes and wants every morning with no progress in any of them - this leads to a life of frustration.

If you truly DESIRE something, you have to light a fire under yourself and go for it! Desire can fade at times - we sometimes have to throw wood on it to keep the belief and desire strong.

I intensify myself with reading inspirational material, as well as with visualization. I feel myself at my goal, rather than just thinking about it. Emotion and feeling carry much more power.

Try it yourself - rationally think about how nice it would be to have the freedom to do whatever you want with your life whenever you feel like doing it. Then sit down, shut your eyes and really feel how great it would be. Let your feelings and emotions take over. No job, no commutes and no financial worries. How would that feel?

You can have that if you truly desire it!

Turn the powerless "wants" into definite desires, backed with action, and watch your life soar!

Kathy Talkin
"The Past Does Not Equal the Future"

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Strength of Community

Have you considered the strength of community when you are intent on reaching a goal? Do you think you can do it alone?

Maybe I should define what I mean by community. I am refering to a support group of like minded people who are on the same path as you.

There seems to be an idea in our culture that going it alone is somehow more admirable than asking for help. Why? It is easier and more productive for you
to receive help and support from the members in your community.

Going it alone oftens results in going nowhere because we give up after a certain period of time if we don't have support and encouragement from the community of people around us.

Whether you are pursuing weight loss, starting a business, or aspiring to make a big difference in a charitable organization - having a supportive community around you can be a huge assistance in you reaching your goals.

There have been times in my life where I think I can achieve goals on my own, but I have found that asking for help turns out to be more fun and is way more productive than going it on my own.

I am involved in a home based business that I sincerely believe has the strongest support, encouragement and education in your self development that you will find anywhere. If you are looking to make a positve change in your life with an incredible group of people, contact me.

No matter what your focus is, the strength of community will help you stay on your path.

Kathy Talkin